The European Greenways Association, the Spanish Railways Foundation, as project coordinator partner of “Greenways4ALL” project and Predif, the Spanish Representative Platform for Physically Disabled Persons, organize this workshop in the framework of FITUR, the International Tourism Trade Fair.
The objective is to publicize the “Greenways4ALL” project and share experienc
es on accessible tourism, improving accessibility around greenways and the dissemination of these routes as resources for all.
It is aimed at political and technical professionals at national, regional and local level, county councils, municipalities, greenways managers, experts, entrepreneurs and workers in the tourism sector, the third sector and specialized media.
When: Friday January 30th; 10:00 – 14:30
Where: IFEMA – Feria de Madrid, Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I, Campo de las Naciones, Madrid, Sala N115. 1ª Planta. Centro de Convenciones Norte. (Entrada Norte) How to arrive
Language: Spanish
See Program here
Registration Form
Participation is free of charge, previous registration at: registration16@aevv-egwa.org